black and white bed linen

ReWild Farm

Sustainable Urban Farming

Family-owned farm offering locally grown fresh produce, CSA shares, meat, and eggs

Welcome to ReWild Farm

Discover our family-run urban farm dedicated to providing high quality produce, meat and eggs to the local market. We follow sustainable farming practices to grow all-natural vegetables, fruit and farm animals.



Family farmers

Produce varieties grown

Our Offerings

Explore our offerings for CSA shares, fresh produce, pasture-raised meat and eggs.

Special Treats

Learn more about special offerings available, like fresh baked goods from Humble Bee Bakery.

CSA Shares

Join our Community Supported Agriculture program for fresh, local produce each week of the summer growing season.

Our farm-raised meat and eggs are sourced from animals raised right on our farm. Our roots are in animal husbandry.

Meat & Eggs