CSA Membership
Become a member of our CSA today! Buying a share ensures you will receive local produce, sustainably grown and harvested by hand.
Weekly Produce Share Pick-up
CSA produce pick-up days will be Mondays and Thursdays at ReWild Farm in northwest Boise. Members come to the farm on their designated produce day between 3-6pm to visit the farm and pick up their weekly produce basket. Depending on the growing season, delivery to member's houses might be possible for a fee.

CSA Shares
We offer a small number of produce shares for the summer growing season from late May to late September. Buying a share and becoming a member entitles our customers to a weekly produce basket throughout our season. Weekly baskets have an interesting variety of 4-6 types of vegetables, based on what's being harvesting that week. Fruit from our orchard of apples, peaches, plums and pears will make bonus appearances in baskets in the hot months, just for fun!
The weekly basket should be enough to feed 3-4 people for the week. An example basket in June might include lettuce, kale, peas, carrots, spring onions, baby beets; by August the basket might look more like chard, edamame, corn, tomatoes, cucumbers, squashes, green beans. We also offer half-shares for those who prefer to receive their produce basket every other week.
2025 Season: May 26th - September 26th (18 weeks)
2025 CSA Pricing
CSA Full Share
Weekly produce basket, picked up at ReWild Farm during the summer growing season
2025 Summer CSA season will run 18 weeks, from the last week of May until September 26th.
CSA Half-Share
Every-other week produce basket, picked up at ReWild Farm during the summer growing season
Interested in becoming a CSA member?
2025 Shares are all sold out unfortunately. You can request an early notification for next year below.
Farm Stand Coming Soon
For those of you who are lucky enough to travel during the summer and are only interested in getting veggies occasionally, we plan to have a farm stand at our place periodically during the growing season starting in 2025. Get on our farm stand mailing list today to receive updates throughout the growing season!
ReWild fruits and vegetables

Fresh local produce, meat, and eggs in Boise.
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