Our Story
Wendy and Clay Ellestad bought the ReWild farm property in the Sycamore District of northwest Boise in 2012. With a new baby and a toddler, the Ellestads had a lot on their hands in the early years! Over the past decade, Wendy and Clay have slowly shaped the farm from an acre of dirt covered with goathead weeds, to a healthy and productive urban farm. The property now boasts a small orchard, large growing gardens for fresh produce, and a barn that is often full of a variety of animals.

Our Family's Journey
Growing Healthy Food
We are dedicated to providing fresh local produce, meat and eggs for both our family and our customers. We cultivate using sustainable methods that help the soil regain health. Our family believes the food we eat should be full of nutrients that come from healthy land, not grown using chemical fertilizers. At ReWild, we strive to not only nourish our community but also support the health of our environment.
ReWild Farm

Fresh local produce, meat, and eggs in Boise.
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